The management structure of GridPP has evolved a great deal since its inception. Below is an in-depth description of the various governing bodies and leadership roles within GridPP.
Descriptions of the management structure, the Risk Register and Project Map can be found on the PMB Documents page. The project follows the STFC Project Management Framework guidelines. Collaboration members can find operational details here.
The Collaboration Board
The Collaboration Board is the governing body of GridPP. It consists of the Group Leaders from each of the collaborating.
The board’s purpose is to exercise a general supervision over all aspects of the project, react to problems with available resources, and to ensure that the interests and priorities of the wider Particle Physics Community are fully taken into account.
Membership | |
Institute | CB Representative |
University of Birmingham | Paul Newman |
University of Bristol | Joel Goldstein |
Brunel University | Peter Hobson |
CERN | Ian Bird |
University of Cambridge | Val Gibson |
University of Durham | Jeppe Andersen |
University of Edinburgh | Pete Clarke |
University of Glasgow | Tony Doyle |
Imperial College London | Paul Dauncey |
Lancaster University | Roger Jones |
University of Liverpool | David Hutchcroft |
University of Manchester | Stefan Soldner-Rembold |
Oxford University | Daniela Bortoletto |
Queen Mary University of London | Steve Lloyd |
Royal Holloway, University of London | Pedro Teixeira-Dias |
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Dave Wark |
University of Sheffield | Neil Spooner |
University of Sussex | Fabrizio Salvatore |
University of Wales Swansea | Simon Hands |
University College London | Mark Lancaster |
University of Warwick | Paul Harrison |
Experiment | Representative |
ATLAS | Roger Jones |
CMS | Dave Colling |
LHCb | Pete Clarke |
Ex Officio | |
CB Chair | Steve Lloyd |
Project Leader | Dave Britton |
Project Manager | Sam Skipsey |
For archived minutes and documents relating to the Collaboration Board, see the Collaboration Board archive page.
GridPP Project Leader
The GridPP Project Leader, assisted by the Deputy:
- leads the GridPP project;
- organises the Collaboration Meetings;
- reports back to the Collaboration Board, summarising the status and establishing goals;
- reports back to STFC, summarising the status and establishing goals;
- ensures appropriate project management reporting mechanisms are in place;
- ensures that the project is managed using appropriate management tools;
- monitors external developments in order to recognise overlapping solutions and encourage standards;
- facilitates recognition of individual contributions to the project; convenes and chairs the Project Management Meetings;
- reports to the Project Manager on matters relating to any project deliverables and milestones defined within her or his purview.
Professor David Britton, School of Physics and Astronomy, Kelvin Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ,
GridPP Project Manager
Establishes and maintains the project management reporting tools;
- Works with each area of the project to establish and record the high-level deliverables;
- Gathers and collates information on the Applications through the Applications Coordinator;
- Gathers and collates information on the Middleware/Security/Networking developments through the Middleware Coordinator;and collates information on Production Grid through the Operations manager;
- Gathers and collates information on the Tier-1 Centre through the Tier-1 Manager;
- Gathers and collates information on Tier-2 centres through the Tier-2 Board Chair;
- Gathers and collates information on dissemination activities through dissemination officer;
- Gathers and collates information on the use of project resources (money and effort);
- Reports problems with project deliverables/timelines to the PMB;
- Reports to the Collaboration Meeting on the attributes of the Project;
- Reports back to the Oversight Committee, summarising the overall management status using the project management tools.
Sam Skipsey, GridPP Project Manager, School of Physics; Astronomy, Uni. Glasgow, Kelvin Building, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom,
The Project Management Board
The PMB is the central part of the management structure and encompasses the major elements of the GridPP project. Having determined the detailed objectives of the project, the PMB meets approximately weekly to:
- Approve the allocation of resources to meet these objectives;
- Ensure timely progress is made towards meeting the objectives;
- Report on progress to the Oversight Committee;
- Inform the community of progress, formally via the Collaboration Board;
- Ensure that GridPP is visible externally and is recognised as a flagship project;
- Liaise with the UK e-Science Centres and ensure participation in the UK e-Science programmes;
- Promote the use of the Grid for the whole of the UK Particle Physics community.
The User Board
The main responsibility of the User Group (formerly the User Board/Experiment Board) is to oversee the successful deployment of applications on the Grid. In particular, it acts as an interface between the scientific experiments/projects and the GridPP service providers and management. Currently, the GridPP Project Manager (see above) is the acting User Coordinator.