GriddPP PMB Meeting 884 [10.06.24]

GridPP PMB meeting 884
Present: Dave Britton, Alastair Dewhurst, Davide Costanzo, Jonathan Hays, Steve Lloyd, Andrew Sansum, David Colling, Andrew McNab, Peter Clarke, Roger Jones, Samuel Skipsey (minutes)

Apologies: Alessandra Forti, Daniela Bauer, Katy Ellis, Jill Sambrook

0) Update on Electricity Budget Constraints at RAL [AS]
Budgets @ RAL (not just for T1) have come in lower than previously expected.
AD: “we have known for a little while that UKRI/STFC are trying to save money”. Last week, on Monday, a set of budgets were released, followed by DK being informed on Wed what is given to GridPP.
We have been trying to understand this since then. We don’t know if this is reprofiled or deferred.
TGriffin + AS trying to persuade Exec board that the power cuts are a bad way to save money.
(The capital cut is in addition to this – but both are attempts to handle the budget cuts passed onto STFC by UKRI upstream…)
[see AD’s slides on price rises and budget cuts]

1) ATLAS virtual placement update [SS]
DB provided push-back to Iliya on VP going away (as did AF and Brij).
We agreed that we could provide some effort – Mario Lassnig asked if we could provide ?0.5 FTE for 1 month? to help fix the Rucio “geographical ordering” issue. 
PC notes that this would be a good fit for James Perry [who already does Rucio work for DUNE].
Us being seen to put in effort to fix things helps to manage pain points and perceptions.
* PC to talk to Mario + James Perry.
DC also notes a lot of Rucio work is happening at Imperial so we could spare effort in future.

Quarterly report update [SS]

LondonGrid + T1/FedServices to be handed in by 2wks time.

AF – UKRI bid on Skills and Software…
JH – there’s a new funding call from 14th June to 2nd August “Digital Infra new approaches to skills and software”. DRI money, closed call for existing infras – open to IRIS, Dirac and the ALC. GridPP can feel completely included in the IRIS bid when we make it.

PC – asks, why Dirac and not GridPP? (We do not know)JH – the three involved need to work out how to make 3 non-overlapping proposals. GridPP people let JH know
Network Forward Look to be completed and signed off by Friday
*Duncan R to do this.
No meeting next week – meet the week after.