GridPP PMB Meeting 700

GridPP PMB Meeting 700 (04.03.19)
Present: Dave Britton (Chair), Tony Cass, Pete Clarke, David Colling, Alastair Dewhurst, Tony Doyle, Roger Jones, Dave Kelsey, Steve Lloyd, Andrew McNab, Gareth Roy, Andrew Sansum, Louisa Campbell (Minutes).

Apologies: Jeremy Coles, Pete Gronbech, Jon Hays

1) STFC HW Spend
IC to confirm second spend. Manchester and Imperial have spent. QMUL will go ahead and DC has mentioned the spreadsheet deadline was earlier than his actual deadline and he can spend beyond this – GR will follow up. £700K extra funds have been received and relatively evenly spread across the institutes per their individual requirements and spending deadlines. AD noted a slight underspend of c. £10-20K at RAL.3

2) GridPP6 Task Update
DB noted an excellent process of participation in drafting the proposal (now at Version 42) and it seems likely we can submit by tomorrow’s deadline. He thanked all PMB members for their substantial and impressive contribution.

0) DB has heard very little from the experiments on the entire proposal as it’s developed in the last week RJ/DC/AM. There are still some opportunities for contribution if necessary and RJ confirmed he is satisfied with content.

1) P4 Link to HSF documents broken… AM suggested we link to top page for next version.

2) P5 (2.5) SL comment for AD and address mis-match of units, e.g. project months or FTEs.

3) P8 (3.3.3) change order to match later section DB.

4) P9 (3.3.5) remove ProdMan role; can we add to ProjMan tasks? PG

5) Task matrix format and words – can we finalise? Need to make coloured bit narrow so that text bit can expand so that only 2; lines per field. Make coloured bit title Work Package and sub title just a number.

6) The new section 3.5 on P11 – text needs to be finalised DB.

7) P17 figures are not quite same size DB.

8) P18, yes 4.6 can go before 4.5.

9) P19 CEPH and ECHO à Ceph and Echo and check rest of doc. EG ECHO on P27.

10) P21 5.2.4 is not very clear (it should perhaps at least start with “The Tier1 benefits from…”) AD/AS

11) P22 (5.3.1) accept TC proposed changes.

12) P24 (5.4) TC comment about 0.06: can remove number and refer to Table-10 above where it has already been shown.

13) P24 (5.4) TC comment about why 4 not 5? Just a choice… reflects sites with substantial existing role in supporting others.

14) P24 Happy to go with “propose” if people are happy? I don’t think we can say we “require”. I think Tier-1 language should be checked to make sure it’s consistent. DB

15) P26 (5.6) TC’s point on item 3 needs to be addressed (is it to avoid future costs?). AD/PC

16) Don’t feel the project management section is particularly robust against the new spotlight and not sure that we have paid it any attention really?

17) P29 Travel budget – inadvertently left at 165k rather than 155k. Do I have time to change?

18) P30 Are the milestones in PM stuff revised?

19) P31 Replace Project Map shots.

20) P32 TC comment on Brexit – GR

21) P33 6.1.1. Accept TC suggestions (resist temptation to do doodle on therefore vs nevertheless!) DB

22) P38 – PC rewording of scenario-combination bit?

23) Has AD reviewed description of tape plan?

24) Summary – does some want to write some words… I’m almost out!

25) Finish appendix?

26) DMP is done?

27) Fix table fonts; x-refs; etc. (search for references to section-7 that will now be wrong). SL/DB

A deadline of noon tomorrow for all amendments was agreed and the afternoon will be used for final read-through and formatting of the proposal. Impact paragraph in the proposal will be completed shortly by JH.


  • Joint/non-Joint Proposal [GR/PC]

For submission, the proposal will be emailed to Charlotte, George and Sarah as opposed to an attachment in the JeS system.

  • Proposal Classification [GR/RJ]

There was a discussion on classification of the funding proposal. GR noted 50% of forms with staff costs are now uploaded to JeS; these are being worked on in each institution and may not align with the proposal submission tomorrow. GR will email the impact summary and review all the JeS forms. DB will highlight in the email to Charlotte, George and Sarah that the JeS forms are being separately submitted.

Procurement delay from Holloway on Tranche2 H/W funding.

4) Standing Items

SI-0 Bi-Weekly Report from Technical Group (DC)
No report submitted.

SI-1 ATLAS Weekly Review and Plans (RJ)
No report submitted.

SI-2 CMS Weekly Review and Plans (DC)
No report submitted.

SI-3 LHCb Weekly Review and Plans (PC)
No report submitted.

SI-4 Production Manager’s report (JC)
No report submitted.

SI-5 Tier-1 Manager’s Report (AD)
– ARC CE’s are all upgraded and running. Issue appears to be solved.
– CPU efficiencies still problematic. Ongoing investigations/work.
– gdss783 (ALICE disk) crashed and removed from production over the weekend (25th Feb). Back in production on Thursday 28th Feb.
– gdss776 (LHCb disk) is having ongoing problems. It crashed the previous week and was put back in, it has crashed last week and was put into read-only mode on 1st March. There is a copy of all LHCb data on Echo.
– Tuesday 26th February there was an intervention to physically move LHCb disk servers so that we could make room for the new deliveries.
– Procurement:
XMA CPU has been delivered, installed and testing is starting.
XMA storage has been delivered. They have not finished cabling it up. This will happen once the new Tape Robot (for CEDA) has been installed.
Dell Storage will be delivered on 6th March.

Extra Capital spend has finally been submitted. Delivery dates for all but network switches are expected in March.

We have procured extra disk to covered the fact ClusterVision have gone bankrupt.

Current predicted underspend is between £12k and £20k

SI-6 LCG Management Board Report of Issues (DB)
Nothing to report.

SI-7 External Contexts (PC)
Nothing to report.


644.4: AD will progress capture of funds for Dirac with Mark Wilkinson. (Update: funding from DIRAC. AS has emailed Mark. They are now using it more heavily. Could use the money for tape, but have to be careful not to buy tape we won’t use. May be better charging later rather than during this FY? AD will now progress. 08/10/18 – Leicester are producing a PO for tapes and will send to AD to produce an invoice). Ongoing.

696.2: RJ to provide ATLAS’ guidance for 2 FTE location at Tier-2 sites. Ongoing.

696.3: RJ to draft 4c(iii) in the Plan2 document: A description of WP2. Ongoing.

696.5: JC to draft 4c(iv) in the Plan2 document and work with DB on 4c(i). Ongoing.

696.7: JH to draft pathways-to-impact document and extract 1 page for proposal. (Update: JH is seeking clarification between provision in GridPP5 and requirements for GridPP6). Ongoing.

696.9: PC to coordinate development of 4c(v) WP4 description. Ongoing.

696.10: AD to provide draft of Tier-1 section 6b. Ongoing.

696.11: AD to contribute via PC to 4v(v). Ongoing.

696.13: DC to provide assistance to RJ with 4c(iii). Ongoing.

696.15: DB to draft 4c(ii) with help from JC. Ongoing.

696.16: DB to coordinate 4c(vi). Ongoing.

696.17: DB to continue to develop effort matrix once Experiment site preference are known. Ongoing.

696.18: GR to continue to gather resource requirements. (Update – emails have gone out and responses awaited). Ongoing.

696.19: GR to liaise with PG on 4c(vi)2&3. Ongoing.

ACTIONS AS OF 04.03.19


644.4: AD will progress capture of funds for Dirac with Mark Wilkinson. (Update: funding from DIRAC. AS has emailed Mark. They are now using it more heavily. Could use the money for tape, but have to be careful not to buy tape we won’t use. May be better charging later rather than during this FY? AD will now progress. 08/10/18 – Leicester are producing a PO for tapes and will send to AD to produce an invoice). Ongoing.

696.2: RJ to provide ATLAS’ guidance for 2 FTE location at Tier-2 sites. Ongoing.

696.3: RJ to draft 4c(iii) in the Plan2 document: A description of WP2. Ongoing.

696.5: JC to draft 4c(iv) in the Plan2 document and work with DB on 4c(i). Ongoing.

696.7: JH to draft pathways-to-impact document and extract 1 page for proposal. (Update: JH is seeking clarification between provision in GridPP5 and requirements for GridPP6). Ongoing.

696.9: PC to coordinate development of 4c(v) WP4 description. Ongoing.

696.10: AD to provide draft of Tier-1 section 6b. Ongoing.

696.11: AD to contribute via PC to 4v(v). Ongoing.

696.13: DC to provide assistance to RJ with 4c(iii). Ongoing.

696.15: DB to draft 4c(ii) with help from JC. Ongoing.

696.16: DB to coordinate 4c(vi). Ongoing.

696.17: DB to continue to develop effort matrix once Experiment site preference are known. Ongoing.

696.18: GR to continue to gather resource requirements. (Update – emails have gone out and responses awaited). Ongoing.

696.19: GR to liaise with PG on 4c(vi)2&3. Ongoing.