Present: Dave Britton (Chair), Jeremy Coles, David Colling, Pete Gronbech, Steve Lloyd, Andrew McNab, Andrew Sansum, Gareth Smith, Louisa Campbell (Minutes).
Apologies: Tony Cass, Pete Clarke, Tony Doyle, Roger Jones, Dave Kelsey.
1. Conclusion of BIOMED action
BIOMED responded to DB and SL advising their agreement that GridPP will be mentioned as a whole in the SLA and they have changed the acknowledgement in the VO card per our suggestion. They thanked us for all the resources provided.
2. Decommissioning of EGI WMS
The official broadcast was last week and this has been placed on the agenda to ensure we are confident UK users of these resources are aware and making alternative arrangements. JC confirmed these are being phased out and we have gone to 5 WMSs to one and discussions on moving to Dirac are ongoing. Sites with WMS are draining (stopping submissions) in December will be ticketed to decommission from February. There are 180 VOs in total which still have a WMS element and only 2 are ours.
ACTION 655.1: PC will discuss migration from WMS with T2K.
a) LZ computing model review meeting is taking place today – PG is attending. GridPP is keen to support, though some aspects come under Imperial – PG and DC discussed this morning in advance of the meeting. We need to plan in advance for the larger scale meeting later in the year.
4. Standing Items
SI-0 Bi-Weekly Report from Technical Group (DC)
There was no meeting on Friday and no report.
SI-1 ATLAS Weekly Review and Plans (RJ)
RJ was not present and no report submitted.
SI-2 CMS Weekly Review and Plans (DC)
Nothing significant to report.
SI-3 LHCb Weekly Review and Plans (PC)
Nothing significant to report.
SI-4 Production Manager’s report (JC)
No formal report was submitted. JC noted the GDB was Wednesday and it may be worth placing this on the GridPP40 Agenda for further discussion. ER hub is the operational arm of EOS which is well defined, but its relation to EGI is less clear. There was some discussion on EOS and EGI structural/functional elements.
SI-5 Tier-1 Manager’s Report (GS)
• Background scrubbing has been going on. This has flushed out more bad disks – causing some callouts through the week.
• Emergency card replacement at Harwell PoP on Thursday morning. This was announced to us and caused a short break in two out of the three OPN links (as expected)
• There was a successful generator load test last Wednesday (13th Dec). There was some discussion on impact of tests which may not be appropriately reproducing issues experienced. DB noted there have been two main incidents of fire and flood over the past 17 years and we should examine our readiness for emergencies. Disaster recovery planning should perhaps be included in the Tier1 review next year.
• The re-updating to pick up the updated UK CA certificate in the IGTF 1.88 rollout took place successfully last Tuesday (12th) as planned.
Christmas Plans (repeat of last week’s entry)
• We will follow the same pattern as in previous years. The on-call team will be in place as usual. Some additional checks will be made by those on-call. RAL is closed after Friday afternoon 22nd December and will re-open on Tuesday 2nd January.
November Availabilities:
Alice: 100%
Atlas: 99% (RAL-LCG2-ECHO “site” reporting 100%)
CMS: 99%
LHCb: 100%
OPS: 99.5%
ACTION 655.2: AS to prepare a report on failure of the generator to come up after a recent issue.
ACTION 655.3: PG to consider the agenda and date for Tier1 review and include disaster recovery plans.
SI-6 LCG Management Board Report of Issues (DB)
The next MB meeting is tomorrow but DB, AS and PC cannot attend – PG will attend.
SI-7 External Contexts (PC)
Nothing to report.
644.2: PG and AS will document plans and costings for the remainder of GridPP5 taking account of the Oracle tape issues experienced. (Update: a draft will be produced before Christmas). Done.
644.3: AS put together a starting plan for staff ramp-down. (Update: a draft will be produced in January). Ongoing.
644.4: AS will progress capture of funds for Dirac with Mark Wilkinson. (Update: funding from DIRAC. AS has emailed Mark. They are now using it more heavily. Could use the money for tape, but have to be careful not to buy tape we won’t use. May be better charging later rather than during this FY?) Ongoing.
647.2: DB will circulate link for Data Management Plan once agreed. (Update: PPGP responded to PG advising they would provide comments, this is a departure from previous practice.) Ongoing.
649.1: DB will write Introduction of OS documents. Ongoing.
649.2: PC will write Wider Context of OS documents. Ongoing.
649.3: PG will schedule a discussion of the Risk Register at a PMB meeting in December then update this in the OS documents. Ongoing.
649.4: GS and AS will write the Tier1 Status section of OS documents. Ongoing.
649.5: JC will write Deployment Status section of OS documents with input from PG. Ongoing.
649.6: RJ, DC and AM will write LHC section of User Reports in OS documents. Ongoing.
649.7: JC will write Other Experiments section of User Reports in OS documents with input from DC and PG. Ongoing.
654.1: PG will telephone Mark Sutton to arrange for him to have access to GridPP. Ongoing.
654.2: RJ will investigate ATLAS CPU efficiencies and report to PMB. Ongoing.
654.3: AS will prepare a report summarising and updating the current staffing situation. Ongoing.
654.4: SL to follow up with EGI to confirm our suggestion for GridPP recognition by Biomed has been actioned. Done.
ACTIONS AS OF 18.12.17
644.3: AS put together a starting plan for staff ramp-down. (Update: a draft will be produced in January). Ongoing.
644.4: AS will progress capture of funds for Dirac with Mark Wilkinson. (Update: funding from DIRAC. AS has emailed Mark. They are now using it more heavily. Could use the money for tape, but have to be careful not to buy tape we won’t use. May be better charging later rather than during this FY?) Ongoing.
647.2: DB will circulate link for Data Management Plan once agreed. (Update: PPGP responded to PG advising they would provide comments, this is a departure from previous practice.) Ongoing.
649.1: DB will write Introduction of OS documents. Ongoing.
649.2: PC will write Wider Context of OS documents. Ongoing.
649.3: PG will schedule a discussion of the Risk Register at a PMB meeting in December then update this in the OS documents. Ongoing.
649.4: GS and AS will write the Tier1 Status section of OS documents. Ongoing.
649.5: JC will write Deployment Status section of OS documents with input from PG. Ongoing.
649.6: RJ, DC and AM will write LHC section of User Reports in OS documents. Ongoing.
649.7: JC will write Other Experiments section of User Reports in OS documents with input from DC and PG. Ongoing.
654.1: PG will telephone Mark Sutton to arrange for him to have access to GridPP. Ongoing.
654.2: RJ will investigate ATLAS CPU efficiencies and report to PMB. Ongoing.
654.3: AS will prepare a report summarising and updating the current staffing situation. Ongoing.
655.1: PC will discuss migration from WMS with T2K.
655.2: AS to prepare a report on failure of the generator to come up after a recent issue.
655.3: PG to consider the agenda and date for Tier1 review and include disaster recovery plans.