GridPP was originally proposed to provide the UK’s contribution to computing required for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. However, GridPP’s continually developing infrastructure has since evolved to serve a wide range of user communities in many fields of scientific and engineering endeavour.
- For research: Find out how we support science and engineering research around the world – and how we can support yours too;
- For industry: How could your enterprise benefit from access to thousands of CPU cores and Petabytes of storage for developing new ideas and processes? Find out how GridPP works with industry here;
- Case studies: What have our current users got up to with GridPP? Be inspired by our case studies;
- Getting started with GridPP: It’s surprisingly easy to start using GridPP resources. Find out more here.
- Acknowledging GridPP: Find out how to cite or acknowledge GridPP if you’ve used our resources in your work.