The GridPP User Guide
The GridPP UserGuide is a GitBook-based document hosted on the GridPP website that will get you up and running on the Grid in no time. From getting a Grid certificate, joining a Virtual Organistion, submitting test jobs, to deploying your software with the CernVM File System, the UserGuide should be all you need to start your GridPP journey. Simply follow the instructions, tick off the points on the checklists, and carry out each of the tests for each section. If you have any problems, raise an issue on the UserGuide GitHub page. It couldn’t be simpler!
To access the GridPP UserGuide click here.
GridPP on GitHub
Like many open source projects and communities, many of GridPP’s software repositories are hosted on GitHub. GridPP’s GitHub page can be found here (thanks GitHub!), but here are a selection of repositories that may be of interest to GridPP users:
- The GridPP UserGuide: the UserGuide itself is based on GitBook, and the repository for this can be found here. If you have a question, need some help or feel something is missing, please raise an issue on the repository’s Issues page.
- GridPP DIRAC: the repository for the GridPP DIRAC multi-VO instance can be found here.
Don’t forget to watch the repositories to stay up-to-date with the latest developments!
Getting Support
Need some help? There are many ways to get support from the GridPP community:
- The GridPP Support Mailing List: If you’ve got a question, email your question to GRIDPP-SUPPORT@JISCMAIL.AC.UK. Of all of the GridPP Mailing Lists, this is the one aimed at GridPP users – particularly new users. You can subscribe to the list here. The full list of GridPP-related mailing lists can be found on our contact page.
- The GridPP Wiki: Powered by MediaWiki, the GridPP Wiki contains a lot of information for more experienced users on the inner workings of the GridPP Collaboration. A lot of it is written by and for GridPP site administrators, but if you’re looking for something specific about working with the Grid it may be worth taking a look. You will need your Grid certificate installed in your web browser to identify yourself – see the UserGuide to find out how to do this.
- GGUS: the official channel for raising support issues with GridPP resources (sites, storage, security issues etc.) is the GGUS ticketing system. This can be found here, and the EGI Wiki page explaining how it all works is here. Your browser-installed Grid certificate will be used to identify you on the GGUS system.
- Contact us: if you can’t find the answer or the help you need from one of the above sources, please contact us and we’ll see what we can do!